We give lectures and train students, families and teachers, on the prevention and prediction of violence in schools, introducing the philosophy of Human Rights in general, with a particular focus on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Also, in order to understand their dynamics and inter-personal relationships, we use mixed research methods and the results are shared and analyzed with them. We run group interviews on issues that worry them, and conduct debates in tutoring classes, where we try to improve their relationships, working on perceptions and understanding roles and attitudes.
• Human and Child Rights – We use these not only as didactic materials, but following their philosophical approach to address psycho-social and affective-emotional skills. When they understand how Human Rights in general and their rights in particular, are interconnected to their lives, and how vulnerable and interconnected we are, they start to open their minds to achieve better levels of responsibility, and improve their relationships with the people around them. They are critical with the issues presented in class, participate in the debates making thoughtful contributions, and improve their commitment with the society as a whole, for they understand they have a role to play in the Global Humanized Citizenship we pursue.
• Role model – When we approach youngsters, we set basic rules from the beginning so they know how we’re going to proceed. We also try to develop a positive and trustworthy environment, applying the criteria developed in humanistic therapy, and develop methodological dynamics based on emotional pedagogy. Some limits are also established, based upon respect and dignity (attitudes to be shown on our part from the first minute); and under no excuse these limits can be exceeded. The activities proposed are always volunteer and exclusive for each group, so we work separately with students, teachers, and families.
Q: What are the factors that will lead someone to commission our work?
If you are ready for a renovation, want to improve the relationships you have, the way you communicate, perceive and act at the professional but also personal level. If you are willing to learn, about you, about your limits, your needs, your prejudices and emotions, and how you confront your daily routines, differentiating between your own values and the socially imposed non-values that are driving your behavior. If you want to discover your roles and attitudes, and understand your responsibilities from a different approach, directed towards an integral development.
Q: Why are we experts in this field?
We’ve been doing these activities, personally involved in all the steps, for over a decade. Lecturing and organizing workshops for judges, professors, public servants of the Justice Administration, Heads of Schools, students and so on, give us a multivariable approach that enriches the discourses, the methodological approach and the materials we use. At the same time, we’ve come to address a diverse number of cases based on daily situations, so the practical applications we propose, have been tested and proved to be viable.
Q: What aspects of this are we most passionate about?
The challenge implied in the overall process. We face very rigid structures, not only in the system of education as it is, but with the people playing a role within that system, who have developed behaviors and cultures sometimes they are not even aware of. It is amazing to monitor the process from the inside, witnessing how the adults recognize these behaviors and cultures, not really knowing how they got there, and willing to work in this renovation process.
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