5 Tools: Parental Control and Data Protection
In other posts we have addressed issues related to the control that adults should have, on the use children and adolescents make of the new technologies. This time we will focus on the importance of “Parental Control” on the data that are uploaded to the Internet; that is, the protection of personal data, with our collaborator Patricia Camacho Fernández, Expert on New Technologies, Cyber Security, Strategy and Digital Identity.
Before we start we must clarify something: What is personal data?
Nowadays it is not only the first and last names, as it used to be. Currently the concept of “Personal Data” is expanding considerably due to the use of new technologies. In fact, it is considered that a photograph, a video recording with a mobile, a voice recording when we make a call, or when we register ourselves in an Internet game, to rent videos, or when we chat, etc. as personal data.
Why is it important that we control the data on the Internet, and to know when we do NOT have to give them?
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